I refuse to buy gas. I know I have to go to work, take my kid to day care, and move my overweight American ass around, but I just don't wanna pay anymore.
action items: WTF do I do about it?
- Bug my friend Wes to carpool with me and pay him $2.50 for round trip. It costs me $6.00 per day now to get to and from work
- get a bike and ride to work. (get a workout and screw big oil at the same time)
- work from home via VPN (virtual private network)
- buy a scooter (tried that and it was too dangerous)
- buy a motorcycle. (wife was upset. have to get a motorcycle license, insurances and too much hassle)
- get an electric car (still requires energy and batteries too expensive to replace)
- hybrid car (not cost effective yet. big oil companies' fault)